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The port conflict in Sweden is solved

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The port conflict in Sweden is solved

The employer’s organization Sveriges Hamnar and the Dock Workers' Union have come to an agreement earlier today. Therefore, the port conflict has been solved effective immediately. This means there will be no strikes nor lockouts in any Swedish port and operations will run as normal.

Please find more information here (in Swedish) >>

For Media inquiries:For media inquiries, please contact the Transport Workers’ Union, Ebba Fredin, Public Relations
+46 73 044 71 20,


Ulrika Prytz Rugfelt

Ulrika Prytz Rugfelt

Press contact Chief Communications & Sustainability Officer +46 (0) 70 252 00 98

Vi forbinder vand med land og skaber vækst og velstand til fælles gavn

Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP) er en af Skandinaviens største havneoperatører og en full-service havn i Øresundsregionen. Vi modtager en lang række varer og har en infrastruktur, som er tilpasset alle typer skibe.

Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP)

Containervej 9
DK-2150 Nordhavn, Copenhagen